Friday, August 29, 2008

A couple interesting topics

I have a few interesting news stories that I'd like to talk about...I didn't want to post it with my school post, so here it is, separate.

Firstly, I checked Mugglenet, a Harry Potter news site, yesterday and saw a really interesting story. Apparently, Warner Brothers, the company which produces the Harry Potter films, sued an Indian film company named Mirchi Movies, because of the title of their soon-to-be released film "Hari Puttar", just because the name is too close to "Harry Potter". Warner Brothers hasn't released much info about it, just saying "Warner Bros values and protects intellectual property rights. However, it is our policy not to discuss publicly the details of any ongoing litigation."
The Mirchi spokesperson says their film doesn't have anything to do with Harry Potter.

First of all, I looked the movie up and its not that similar to the Harry Potter story. Its about a 10 year old Indian boy who moves to England and becomes involved in a battle to stop criminals from stealing a secret formula invented by his scientist father. The only similarity is that it is a young boy in England.

What Warner Brothers has to understand is that "Hari Puttar" is not a first and last name...its NOT the Indian 'version' of Harry Potter. Hari is a popular name in India and Puttar means "son". I mean, I'm sure that they picked the title as a kind of take-off of Harry Potter (The second part of the title, Comedy of Terrors is a Shakespeare parody), to get publicity, but it doesn't mean the same thing. Bollywood film companies are like that (by the way, I'm half Indian - thats why this story caught my eye). I don't think the movie "Hari Puttar" is going to take away from Warner Brothers Half Blood Prince release in any way...firstly, its Indian, doesn't seem like it will be a hit movie (though alot of Indian movies are cheesy and elaborately dramatic like this seems to be) and is coming out around 10 months before their movie does. WB is just trying to flex their muscles I guess, and its stupid.

So thats one story. My other is the Democratic convention. I think it went off very succesfully. Bill Clinton gave an epic speech that endorsed Obama fully and which I think probably converted some of the disgruntled people who still support Hillary for some reason.
A quote I liked from that speech, about U.S. foreign policy, "People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power." I really agree...I thought that was a great line.

Obama also gave a great speech last night, in that huge stadium. It ended the convention nicely, and made everyone revved up to make sure he is elected. In case you haven't already noticed, I support Barack Obama for president and am very liberal. Just to get that out there. I can't vote yet, anyway. I'll talk more about the election at other times, and how I think McCain and his newly picked woman VP, Sarah Palin, who is a pro-gun, pro-life (anti-choice), pro-drilling in wildlife reserves, against equal pay for equal work governor of Alaska with pretty much no experience, are obviously not the ones to change America. Sorry about that sentence; its not the best grammar. Anyway, this was a long post. Had to get it out there. Talk to you later. we go again.

Hey! Like my friends at Toss the Apple and Knit Gangsta, I went back to school this week. Bleh. This first week has felt like the longest week ever. Its was rainy half of the time and I was just tired and I guess really shocked that school had already started. Summer always goes by in a blur.

And I can already feel this is going to be a long year with too much to do. A "Long and Winding Road"...thats what high school is. By the way, in case you don't know (You should know this, though) , that phrase in quotes is a Beatles song...get used to my mentioning them...I am a big fan.

So, thats all for now. I don't have much to say about school yet...and I know its not that interesting, but...whatever. Hopefully each post will get increasingly better, like podcast episodes. Talk to you later!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm new to the whole blogging thing but...

Hey! As you can see in the title of this post, I am new and sort of skeptical of blogging. Its not that I am technologically ignorant, because I know I'm not. But I just never thought to try blogging. Don't know if it will work out for me, but I have seen my friends' blogs and thought I would try it out. You have to be open to new things, right? So, here I am.

I guess the sort of things I'll be blogging about will include current world events, maybe some new music and movies and books, pictures, the 2008 U.S. presidential election, which I'll talk about later I guess, and maybe the podcast I participate in with my friends, and which I also edit, called the M.A.D. Podcast...And then whatever else I feel like. I don't think the life of a US highschool student is that exciting, but whatever.
I guess this is all for now. Not that exciting, but I promise it will get better. I think. See you later!