Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm back!

I am back, as you can see in the title. After a really...intense and tiring week of school. High school is just like that, I guess. I had so much homework and studying to do, its crazy. But anyway, you probably don't want to hear about homework any more than I do. 

I was thinking about high school recently (yea, thats all I think about nowadays...haha not really), and about junior year. By the way, junior year, at least at my school, is really intense and known for being hard and quite busy.
So, I think this year of high school is like a hurricane. Seriously. We (my peers and I) were warned long before junior year that it was the most difficult year. We were warned not to take too many AP(Advanced Placement, college level) classes and stuff, just like the National Weather Service warns states about hurricanes. But we thought 'how bad can it be?'. Or at least I did. So I took a good amount of AP classes. Then, from the beginning week of school, we were suddenly pounded with homework, overwhelmed with it, just like a hurricane that comes suddenly, wind howling and waves crashing.  
And its been crazy ever since, more and more work as time goes on.  I'm guessing there'll be the little break, the 'eye of the storm', during winter break. And then the hurricane will come again, harder than ever, and sooner or later the dreaded AP tests (oh my!). Wow. Not looking forward to those.  Then it will be over, after finals, and we'll all assess the damage. The stress. And begin repairing and stressing even more about college applications! yay! 

So there's my analogy. 

It seems like I'm complaining a lot in this blog. Sorry about that. 

Remember that Hari Puttar case that I mentioned in my last post, with Warner Brothers suing this Indian movie company for making a movie called "Hari Puttar" because it was too similar to Harry Potter? Well, Warner Brothers lost! I was very happy when I read that, because I think thats stupid to sue a company over an Indian movie that just sounds similar to an English yay! 

Anyway, got to go and edit the most recent episode of my friends and I's podcast: The M.A.D. Podcast! Check it out! 

I'll try to make my posts more exciting in the future, maybe incorporating pictures somehow?! OK, see you later, alligator!


Anonymous said...

That is possibly the best Junior year analogy in the world.

Staci said...

In a while, crocodile