Monday, November 10, 2008

On Fall (or Autumn)

Finally, it is fall. The past week, where I live, it has been warm for November, around 70 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. And a few weeks ago, all the trees were still bright green in color.

Now, finally, there is that fall crispness in the air. You know? I mean, I am all for warm weather, I love it. Spring and summer are probably my favorite months. But...fall needs to feel like fall. A chilly breeze, beautiful panoramas of trees with leaves of burnished oranges, antique reds, bright yellows, and even some browns. And all of that accentuated with a backdrop of crisp blue sky. There's that word again. Crisp. That is, for me at least, the word to describe fall. It makes me think of shiny, firm apples, and the colorful leaves in full focus. Crisp. Sharp. Vivid. That is fall.

I really do like fall, even though it may not make my top list of seasons. But there is a time for everything, and I generally enjoy fall for some time, probably early and mid fall, where everything is so bright and the leaves have not all fallen off the trees. The main reason fall does not come to mind as my favorite is because of how it is the transition of nature from being awake to being asleep. It is nature going dormant, preparing for sleep. Its nice, but once you look forward to the cold winter, a little daunting. Though I guess I can't say I hate any season; there are times when I like each of them. Winter gets old really quickly though, unless there is snow. Summer probably gets old too, but being out of school overrides that.

Anyway, fall is really quite awesome if you appreciate it. I know that if you go to the Appalachian Mountains in fall in the United States, they are just magnificient, with all the colors.

And I love Thanksgiving. I really do. Its a North American thing, but I know every culture and country has various festivals where they get together and eat awesome food. The food is great. In my family we have the stuffing, the turkey, the cranberry-orange relish, the mashed potatoes, beans, and pumpkin pie (and maybe other stuff). Cider is good too.
I am quite glad I am just half-Indian (my dad is from India), and my mom is white (well, english/scottish/puerto rican heritage), from New England, and knows how to make traditional and less traditional Thanksgiving foods, and has certain traditional recipes from her family. Because...I don't know, my dad wouldn't know anything about the various foods. I do know some Indian families who make curry turkey, though, which is cool.

Anyway, back on fall. There is a description for you of fall in the U.S., to me.

One more thing. Which do you prefer, autumn or fall? I am used to saying fall, but I feel like autumn is prettier and more elegant. It sounds like... a leaf falling gracefully to the ground. Do you get that? Autumn. It is a nice sound.

OK, this was a long post. But I felt like it. Anyway, have a nice fall and be happy!

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