Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hanging On...

Well, 7 days left until winter break! About time! So much has been going on, I mean. There are all these due dates for the graduation project and then other projects and essays and tests coming up to finish off the...well, the time before winter break. Because the semester ends later...confusing. 7 days left feels like 7 weeks left.  It looks like the teachers are working us right up to the last day before the break. I'm not surprised, just annoyed. 
Forgive me if this is random and nonsensical...I am writing at a late time, and am half-asleep, but felt like updating. Because my last post is from early November, and is about fall. Speaking of that, today it was 70 degrees! 70! In December! And tomorrow we could have isolated tornadoes? Weather is strange. I heard that scientists predicted that the upcoming winter would be colder than usual, which is awesome but a little hard to believe right now. 

I talk about weather alot on this blog, don't I? And seasons. I probably talk about weather too much in general. Its one of those small talk topics that are always mentioned in Jane Austen books.  Isn't it? Weather and architecture...those were the cliche topics in that time period. Interesting. 

Anyway, I'll post when I have something more interesting to say! Tootaloo, kangaroo!

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